「Argument list too long」をどうにかする

ファイルの数が多い時に「mv * /path/to/destination/dir/」と打つと「Argument list too long」と怒られてしまったりする.


find . -maxdepth 1 -name "your_wildcard" -exec mv {} /path/to/destination/dir \;

while readと関数で:

Example 3b

function larger_mv ()
{       while read line1; do
                md5sum directory/$line1 >>  ~/md5sums
                ls -l directory/$line1 >> ~/backup_list
                mv directory/$line1 ../directory2
ls -1 directory/ | larger_mv


 * MAX_ARG_PAGES defines the number of pages allocated for   arguments
 * and envelope for the new program. 32 should suffice, this gives
 * a maximum env+arg of 128kB w/4KB pages!
#define MAX_ARG_PAGES 32